Saturday, September 13, 2014

Leadman / Kasubsi GA

Location :  Samarinda, East Kalimantan jQuery(document).ready(function () { jQuery(".BingMap").click(function (evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); jQuery(".MapContainer").dialog({ dialogClass: 'MapDialog', height: 522, width: 522, resizable: false, show: 'blind', hide: 'blind', modal: true }); }); jQuery("a.close").click(function (evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); jQuery('.MapContainer').dialog("close"); }); });Contact Information Location: Samarinda, East Kalimantan Jobs Industries: We specialize in the manufacture of 'special" order equipment, no job is too big or too small, we ship worldwide. Our staff are dedicated to you - our valued customers and perhaps we are old fashioned but in addition to providing quality products at competitive prices we still believe that service and efficiency are every bit as important. PENDIDIKAN MINIMAL : D3/S1 Semua JurusanBATAS USIA : Maksimal 32  tahunPENGALAMAN   KERJA   :   Pengalaman dibidangnya 3  tahun.Dapat  berbahasa Inggris minimal Pasif (Tulisan / Lisan)Menguasai Ms OfficeMemahami pengurusan perizinan, Legal, TKA, dllDapat menghandel masalah Transport dan AkomodasiKreatif dan inisiatif.Daftar riwayat hidup.  All applications will be treated confidentially & only short listed candidates will be notifiedPlease click "Apply Now" button to apply

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Terima kasih.

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