Sunday, September 20, 2015

Consultant: Mid Term Evaluation of Global Forest Watch - World Resources Institute - Washington, DC


Global Forest Watch (GFW) is seeking an evaluator for a midterm performance evaluation to be completed between June and October 2015.


Global Forest Watch (GFW) combines cutting edge technology, science, and open data to create never-before-possible transparency about the status of forest landscapes everywhere. Harnessing the power of radical transparency, GFW aims to catalyze low emissions development by transforming business-as-usual land use practices. GFW partners with governments, businesses, and civil society to create information and tools needed for better decision-making and improved accountability for forests and people on the ground. GFW’s open source platform and growing partnership allows promising solutions to be delivered at scale.

The GFW partnership is convened by the World Resources Institute (WRI), and WRI is administering a USAID four-year cooperative agreement which will end in June 2017. To assess the performance of this initiative GFW will complete a midterm evaluation.

Evaluation Questions

  • Are the objectives for Global Forest Watch being met?

  • Has GFW been successful in contributing to the objective of the TFA 2020?

  • What particular elements of the initiative have led to the greatest adoption of global forest watch by target audiences (with a focus on private sector partners in the TFA 2020 coalition), and how are those partners using the platform?

  • What obstacles or shortcomings in project structure have been the greatest barriers to adoption of GFW by target audiences?

  • How can GFW improve uptake by these same groups?

  • Evaluation design and methodology

    The evaluation consultant/team is responsible for developing an evaluation design, which includes finalizing key and sub-evaluation questions, identifying subjects for interviews, designing survey instruments, designing and implementing focus groups, training data collectors and enumerators (as needed), implementing data collection and analysis methods. GFW prefers Developmental Evaluation [1] approach that focuses on learning and feedback on what’s working. Key GFW team members will be involved in the design, planning, and logistics, but the evaluation consultant will provide overall leadership and direction and will be responsible for all evaluation tasks and deliverables. The sources of evaluation findings should include desk review, consultations with GFW team and experts and survey of stake holders (using in-person or phone interviews). Target informants include TFA2020 Global Innovators, RSPO members, Small Grants Fund recipients, partners, government officials, and subgrantees. (Note: No international travel is planned for this evaluation)

    [1] Michael Quinn Patton’s developmental evaluation approach is suited to innovation development in complex environments.



    Desk review should begin in early June with an inception report due by the end of June 2015.

    The evaluation is expected to be completed by October 31, 2015.


    Deliverables must be in English and include:

  • Presentation of evaluation inception report in word format to GFW before beginning the evaluation.

  • PPT presentation with key preliminary findings and recommendations.

  • Facilitated discussion of above with GFW team and relevant stakeholders.

  • Draft evaluation report.

  • Final evaluation report.

  • Raw data collected as a result of evaluation as well as relevant informed consent.

  • The evaluation report must demonstrate clear line of analysis and concisely summarize findings, conclusions, and recommendations. The evaluation report should meet the criteria outlined in the USAID guidelines:


    Desired Qualifications

    WRI envisions working with an independent consultant and, if applicable the consultant’s assistant or team.

    Interested Lead Evaluator should have the following qualifications:

    • Master’s Degree required, preferably in Environmental Science, Sociology, International Development, or other relevant field;

    • Minimum of ten (10) years’ experience with program evaluation on governance, open data, transparency, environment or climate programs.

    • Prior experience working with USAID rules and regulations and on USAID evaluations required.

    • Familiarity with the Tropical Forest Alliance 2020 and other relevant stakeholders.

    • International field experience and demonstrated ability to lead a multi-discipline team; experience in Indonesia, Peru or Cameroon preferred

    • Experience in designing and implementing quantitative and qualitative data collection tools and data analysis frameworks; experience facilitating focus groups preferred

    • Experience with statistical and qualitative software (Stata, SPSS, Nvivo, etc.)

    • Exceptional organizational, analytical, writing and presentation skills

    To Apply

    Submit a short cover letter outlining your proposed evaluation approach and proposed budget along with CV(s) for the lead evaluator by June 1, 2015 to Katherine Shea . (Applying via the icism system is not necessary)

    About WRI

    Established in 1982, WRI is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization respected globally by policymakers, non-governmental organizations, and corporate leaders.

    WRI’s reputation is grounded in its excellent analysis, non-partisan approach, and high-impact results. We measure our success based on how our work helps to create real-world change on the ground—and approach we call “Managing for Results.”

    WRI’s work is united by and driven by our values: Innovation, Integrity, Urgency, Independence, and Respect.

    WRI fosters a culture of innovative ideas, working collaboratively, and thinking independently. WRI employees are driven by the organization’s mission and have the satisfaction of helping to create a more prosperous and healthy planet.

    Learn more about our organization at .

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    WRI is a global research organization that spans more than 50 countries, with offices in the Brazil, China, Europe, India, Indonesia, and the United States. Our more than 450 experts and staff work closely with leaders to turn big ideas into action to sustain our natural resources—the foundation of economic opportunity and human well-being.

    WRI was recently voted the #1 Environmental Think Tank in the world and is consistently recommended by staff as one of the “most desired organizations to work for.” In 2014, WRI was ranked one of the Top Workplaces by the Washington Post.

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